Reasoning: Coding/Decoding Set 3
Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
With a certain code language,
‘care adjust found under’ is written as ‘#6a @5u $5f %4c’,
‘damage part road order’ is written as ‘#4p $4r @5o %6d’,
‘emperor entire attempt sad’ is written as ‘#7a $3s @7e %6e’, and
‘proud under online adjust’ is written as ‘%6o @5u $5p #6a’.
- What is the code for ‘road’?
A) @5o
B) #4p
C) $4r
D) %6d
E) Cannot be determined
- What is the code for ‘attempt under entire’?
A) #6a @7e #7a
B) @5u @5o $3s
C) %6e #7a @5u
D) None of these
E) Cannot be determined
- What does ‘$5p %4c @7e’ stand for?
A) under found attempt
B) care proud emperor.
C) care sad adjust
D) entire proud emperor
E) Cannot be determined
- What will be the code for ‘butter court used’?
A) %6b #5r @6c
B) #3y @6d %4r
C) %8b $5g @4t
D) $4d #5c @6b.
E) None of these
- What is the code for ‘damage sad online’?
A) @6o $3s %6d
B) #3s @6d %4r
C) %6o $3s @6d
D) $4d #5c @6b
E) None of these
Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
With a certain code language,
‘hole create black bestows’ is written as ‘f $h l#b t!b f%c’,
‘report letters till civil’ is written as ‘m#c t!l u%r m$t’,
‘guard also failure junked’ is written as ‘e%j e#g p$a f!f’, and
‘into export every meeting’ is written as ‘z#e u%e p$i h!m’.
- What is the code for ‘letters’?
A) u%r
B) m#c
C) t!l
D) m $t
E) Cannot be determined
- What is the code for ‘report create meeting’?
A) t!l u%e f$h
B) h!m u%r f%c
C) l#b u%r m $t
D) None of these
E) Cannot be determined
- What does ‘t!b u$l u#c’ stand for?
A) under bestows attempt
B) court last bestows
C) care hole adjust
D) black proud emperor
E) Cannot be determined
- What will be the code for ‘butter would used’?
A) t$r y#d e#w
B) s%b g!r e$u
C) t!g f%b e#v
D) e$u s%b e#w
E) None of these
- What does ‘e$t i#b f%c’ stand for?
A) tallest fish into
B) could best earn
C) centre told bench
D) ice earn calorie
E) None of these