English: Word Usage Set 3
Directions: A word is given followed by its usage in options. Find the option in which there is inappropriate usage of word.
- Caper
A) The dancers were capering about the stage.
B) The child did a little caper.
C) I am too old for this kind of caper.
D) The food was enough to caper to their needs for a week.
E) All are correct
- Squash
A) The fruit got squashed under the weight of all other fruits.
B) He heard the squash of the glass.
C) You cannot squash his determination by making negative remarks.
D) The room was so full you couldn’t squash another person in.
E) All are correct
- Spring
A) I sprang out of bed on hearing the loud noise .
B) Creativity and stupidity can spring from the same source.
C) In spring, the garden is a feast .
D) A spring mattress is more comfortable than a normal one.
E) All are correct
- Jam
A) The van come to a jamming halt.
B) There are always traffic jams on the road to Mumbai.
C) Four of us were jammed in one compartment.
D) The photocopy machine was jammed.
E) All are correct
- Haul
A) He hauled his bike out of the shed.
B) They escaped with a haul of antiques.
C) The thirty-mile haul to Boston was full of adventures.
D) How to groom a horse and haul it.
E) All are correct
- Hymn
A) When low of spirits, I find “Hymn therapy” a great way of treating.
B) The joys of domesticity were being hymned in magazines.
C) New hymns go through six months of training.
D) They were hymning to their god.
E) All are correct
- Hire
A) The new hires need special training.
B) He hired off between the tress.
C) Car hire is recommended.
D) We flew to San Diego, hired a car, and headed for Las Vegas.
E) All are correct
- Hawk
A) He spent the afternoon hawking.
B) Severe limits were put on the peace plan by party hawks.
C) I watched them hawk the branches
D) swift hawked low over the water.
E) All are correct
- Key
A) The coils may be keyed into the slots by fiber wedges.
B) Press the enter key.
C) She became a key figure in the suffragette movement.
D) She keyed in a series of commands.
E) All are correct
- Range
A) Prices range from 100 to 500.
B) A table with a dozen chairs ranged around it.
C) The area offers a wide range of activities.
D) Her face was distorted with range.
E) All are correct