Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Banking QuizQuant

Quantitative Aptitude: Data Sufficiency Questions Set 10

Directions: In each of the following questions, a question is followed by three statements. Read all the statements and find that which statements are required to answer the question and answer accordingly. 

  1. How much profit did B get at the end of the year in the business by A, B and C?
    I. C invested Rs.5000/- for six months, his profit was 3/2 times that of B’s and his investment was three times that of A.
    II. A and B invested for two year and in the proportion of 1:2 respectively.
    III. A , B and C together got Rs.700/- as profit at the end of the year.|
    A) Only I and III are sufficient
    B) Only I and II are sufficient
    C) I, II and III not sufficient
    D) Either I or II and III sufficient
    E) None
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    Option C
    I, II and III together not sufficient to answer the question.
  2. The ratio between the present ages of the son and his mother is 5 : 2. Find the present age of the mother.
    I. Difference between the present ages of the father and his son is 28 years.
    II. Difference between the present ages of the mother and her son is 21 years.
    III. Difference between the present ages of father and his daughter is 35years
    A) Only I is sufficient
    B) I and II are sufficient
    C) II and III are sufficient
    D) Only II is sufficient
    E) None
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    Option D
    From II Diff of mother and sons age is 21.
    Then 3 (5-2) 21
    5 ? ==>35years
  3. In a company there are managers and clerks. The total monthly salary of the employees is Rs3.5Lakh. What is the total number of employees in that company?
    I. The ratio of the no. of managers to that of clerks in the company is 3 : 2.
    II. The total monthly salary of all the managers is 35% more than that of clerks.
    III. 25% of the clerks’ monthly salary is Rs 26,000.
    A) Only I and III are sufficient
    B) Only I and II are sufficient
    C) Either I or II and III sufficient
    D) I, II and III not sufficient
    E) None
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    Option D
    I, II and III together not sufficient to answer the question.
  4. In how many days 10 men can finish the work?
    I. 10 women finish the work in 6 days.
    II. 10 men and 10 women finish the work in 24/7 days.
    III. If 10 women work 3 days and after that 10 men are deployed to work for women, the rest work is finished in 4 days.
    A) I and II are sufficient
    B) I and III are sufficient
    C) Any two of three are sufficient.
    D) II and III are sufficient.
    E) None
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    Option C
    From I and II, 10 men’s work in 1 day = (7/24 – 1/6) = 1/8
    10 men can finish the work in 8 days.
    From II and III
    (1/x + 1/y) = 7/24
    (3/x + 4/y) = 1
    => y = 8 days
    From I and III (3/6 + 4/y) = 1 => y= 8 days.
  5. How much time will the train A take to cross another train B running in opposite direction?
    I. Length of two trains together is 650m
    II. Ratio of the speed of trains A and B is 4:5
    III. Train B crosses a signal pole in 8sec.
    A) Only I and II are sufficient
    B) I, II and III are not sufficient
    C) Only I and II are sufficient
    D) Only I and III are sufficient
    E) None
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    Option B

    I, II and III are not sufficient
  6. P, Q and R are three friends dividing Rs.310 among themselves. What will be the share of Q?
    I. Q gets Rs.16 more than R
    II. P gets Rs.3 more than R
    III. P gets Rs.13 less than Q
    A) Only I and II are sufficient
    B) Only II and III are sufficient
    C) Any two are sufficient
    D) All are sufficient
    E) None
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    Option C

    P+Q+R = 310
    From I, Q = 16+R
    From II, P = 3+R
    From III, P = Q-13
    Solving above equation we can find Q’s share.
  7. What is the rate of interest per annum ?
    I. The CI in 8 years is more than the amount.
    II. The difference between SI and CI in 2 years is Rs.450
    III. An amount double itself at SI in 15 years
    A) Only I and II are sufficient
    B) Only III is sufficient
    C) Only II and III are sufficient
    D) All are not sufficient
    E) None
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    Option B
    From III :
    Principal = P, Amount = 2P
    Interest = 2P – P = P
    SI =P = P*R*15/100 => R = 15%
  8. What is the share of B out of total Rs 3080?
    I. The share of A is 1.8 times the combined share of B and C.
    II. The share of B is 5/9 of the combined share of A and C.
    III. The share of C is 1/6 of the combined share of A and B.
    A) Only III is sufficient
    B) Only I is sufficient
    C) Only II is sufficient
    D) All are not sufficient
    E) None
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    Option C
    B: (A+C) =5:
    B=5/(5+9)14 * 3080
  9. What is the ratio of the ages of Ram and Ravi?
    I. 6 years ago their ages were in the ratio 3 : 4.
    II. After 2 years the younger one’s age will be 85% that of the older.
    III. The sum of their ages is three less than twice the age of the older.
    A) Only II and III are sufficient
    B) Any two of them is sufficient
    C) Only I and II are sufficient
    D) All are not sufficient
    E) None
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    Option B
    From I Ram – 6 / Ravi – 6 =3/4
    4Ram – 3Ravi=6
    From II Ram +2= 85/100(Ravi+2)
    17 Ravi – 20Ram =6
    From III Ram + Ravi =2Ravi -3
    Solving any two of them we get the ratio.
  10. What is the circumference of the semi-circle?
    I. The difference between the length and the breadth of a parallelogram is 15cm.
    II. The area of the semi-circle is half the area of the parallelogram.
    III. The length of the parallelogram is 2.5 times the radius of the circle.
    A) Only II and III are sufficient
    B) Only III is sufficient
    C) All are not sufficient
    D) Only I is sufficient
    E) None
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    Option C
    All are not sufficient