Thursday, October 17, 2024
Banking QuizEnglish

English: Fill in the Blanks Set 9 (Double Fillers)

Double Filler questions for Upcoming bank exams. 

Direction : Fill in the blanks with appropriate word to form a meaningful sentence.

  1. Tata Motors-owned Jaguar was on Wednesday ________ by the U.K.’s advertising watchdog for an “irresponsible” advertisement for a new model which ________ unsafe driving.
    A) chided, discouraged
    B) reprimanded, encouraged
    C) disapproved, offered
    D) complimented, treated
    E) forgiveness, showed
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    Option B
    : reprimanded – scolded
  2. In September 2016, Peru and India concluded the joint _________ study for an accord in trade in goods, services, investment and cooperation, FICCI said , adding that the study _______ the scope of India to expand trade with Peru and vice versa.
    A) theoretical, dissented
    B) venture, transform
    C) group, rewarded
    D) feasibility, revealed
    E) growl, warn
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    Option D 
  3. Events since 2006 have been________ , with several State governments devising their own means to dilute — if not wholly _______— what the Supreme Court had laid down.
    A) embolden, impair
    B) explicate, demolish
    C) dismaying, sabotage
    D) soothe, helping
    E) incite, disregarding
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    : dismay – cause (someone) to feel concern and distress
    sabotage- deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct (something), especially for political or military advantage.
  4. The park has a policy of giving limited ______to guards — the idea is that they should be able to _______ themselves in Kaziranga while carrying out their duties.
    A) power, convince
    B) protection, encourage
    C) distinction, cooperate
    D) disenfranchise, apprehend
    E) immunity, defend
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    Option E
  5. There is no ______ about the _______ that led to the killing of a Tamil Nadu fisherman somewhere between the Indian and Sri Lankan coast on Monday night.
    A) conclusion, power
    B) evidence, people
    C) certainty, circumstances
    D) shame, afterthought
    E) guarantee, besotted
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    Option C
  6. Although instances of Indian fishermen _______into Sri Lankan waters have always been commonplace, the consequences for such _______in recent years have been limited to seizure of boats and prolonged detention.
    A) moving, perfection
    B) travelling, imprecation
    C) hibernating, behavior
    D) crossing, transgressions
    E) handling, debunk
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    Option D
    : transgressions – an act that goes against a law, rule, or code of conduct; an offence.
  7. The new Madras Government has sealed with ______effect the State’s border with Kerala, and ordered round-the-clock ____ to prevent smuggling and unauthorised transport of rice into that State.
    A) rostrum, vigilance
    B) immediate, vigil
    C) jaded, protect
    D) greater, effort
    E) alternating, enthusiasm
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    Option B
  8. When you become a popular face and people start giving _______ on what you say or do then it is important to do things that you are ______with.
    A) importance, inept
    B) highlights, expert
    C) attention, convinced
    D) preference, amateur
    E) tips, comfortable
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    Option C 
  9. Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s _______ is at stake in Varanasi, as he is not only the Member of Parliament from the temple city but he also _____three days campaigning across his constituency.
    A) wellness, diverted
    B) reputation, loss
    C) health, indulged
    D) prestige, spent
    E) state, avail
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    Option D
  10. It is a teacher’s job to _______her students and to urge them to _____against theories that cannot be proven.
    A) teach, classify
    B) challenge, dissent
    C) underestimate, revolt
    D) criticize, apprehend
    E) teach, superimpose
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    Option B
    : dissent- the holding or expression of opinions at variance with those commonly or officially held.