Monday, October 14, 2024
Banking QuizEnglish

English: Odd Words Set 1

Directions: Following sentences contain 4 bold words each. Find spelling error or grammatical error if any, else mark (E) as your answer.

  1. The permanent tribunal (PT) will now subsume and replace all the existing tribunals and provided a permanent avenue for resolving inter-state water disputes.
    A) subsume
    B) existing
    C) provided
    D) avenue
    E) All Correct
    View Answer
    Option C

    provided => provide
  2. The tongue-twister names take a little getting used to, but it doesn’t take long to feel at home with the unhurried hospitality, which can taught you a thing or two!
    A) tongue-twister
    B) little
    C) unhurried
    D) taught
    E) All Correct
    View Answer
    Option D

    taught => teach
  3. Conventional Trusting Wisdom says Note Recall was an exercise to root out black money, but its good intention was waylay by poor execution that has led to large-scale distress of the kind that natural calamities usually bring.
    A) waylay
    B) execution
    C) distress
    D) calamities
    E) All Correct
    View Answer
    Option A

    waylay => waylaid
  4. The government said a number of complaint have been received in this regard, where hotels and restaurants were charging service charge in the range of 5-20 per cent, in lieu of tips, which a consumer is forced to pay irrespective of the kind of service provided to him/her.
    A) complaint
    B) in lieu
    C) irrespective
    D) service
    E) All Correct
    View Answer
    Option A

    complaint=> complaints
  5. There are about 60 French citizens fighting alongside Islamic State militants in the northern city of Mosul alone and hundreds more in the rest of the countries and Syria
    A) alongside
    B) militants
    C) hundreds
    D) countries
    E) All Correct
    View Answer
    Option D

  6. Even though Sarah has an aversion to snakes, she is still brave enoug to walk through the forest with us on our hiking trips.
    A) aversion
    B) enoug
    C) through
    D) hiking
    E) All Correct
    View Answer
    Option B

    enoug => enough
  7. We started to campaign for John’s election more fiercely as November began to loom ever closer.
    A) campaign
    B) election
    C) fiercely
    D) loom
    E) All Correct
    View Answer
    Option E
  8. Despite his history of violent, the judge decide to grant him leniency due to his quick admission of guilt.
    A) violent
    B) decide
    C) leniency
    D) guilt
    E) All Correct
    View Answer
    Option B

    decide=> decided
  9. It is hard to feel pity for someone who makes a living by wilingly choosing to dissemble their true intent for monetary reasons.
    A) pity
    B) wilingly
    C) dissemble
    D) monetary
    E) All Correct
    View Answer
    Option B

    wilingly=> willingly
  10. Because Nisha decorated her residence in a pastiche of styles, every room in her house is uniquely beautified.
    A) Because
    B) pastiche
    C) uniquely
    D) beautified
    E) All Correct
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    Option E