Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Banking QuizReasoning

Logical Reasoning Set 3

  1. It has been reported in recent years that a very large number of seats in engineering colleges in the country remain vacant at the end of the admission session.
    Which of the following may be the probable cause of the above effect?
    A) There has been a considerable decrease in hiring of engineering graduates due to economic slowdown in the recent years.
    B) Students have always preferred to complete graduation in three years’ time instead of devoting four years for engineering.
    C) The government has recently decided to provide post-qualification professional training to all engineering graduates at its own cost.
    D) There has always been a very poor success rate among the engineering students.
    E) None of these
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    Option A

    Option A may be the cause of vacant seats in the colleges.
  2. Majority of the students who appeared in the final examination of postgraduate course in management in the local college have secured first class, which is comparatively higher than the performance of students of other management colleges in the state. . Which of the following may indicate that the results are not in line with the general trend?
    A) The students of the local college are qualitatively better than those of other colleges.
    B) The authorities of the other management colleges in the state are stricter in their standard of evaluation.
    C) The students of other management colleges in the state performed better than the students of the local college in all the previous examinations.
    D) The local management college recently retrenched many of its regular faculty members.
    E) None of these
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    Option C

    C) indicates that the results are not in line with the general trend
  3. The condition of the roads in the city has deteriorated considerably during the first 2 months of monsoon and most of the roads have developed big potholes.
    Which of the following can be a possible effect of the above cause?
    A) The municipal corporation had repaired all the roads in the city before the onset of monsoon with good quality material.
    B) A large number of people have developed spine-related injuries after regularly commuting long distances by road within the city.
    C) The municipal corporation has been careful in choosing the contractors for repairing roads in the past.
    D) People always complain about potholed roads during the monsoon months.
    E) None of these
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    Option B

    B) may be a possible effect of holes developed on the roads
  4. It has been reported in many leading newspapers that the current year’s monsoon may be below the expected level as many parts of the country are still not getting adequate rainfall.
    Which of the following can be a possible fallout of the above situation?
    A) People from areas with less rainfall may migrate to urban areas.
    B) Govt. may announce ex-gratia payment to all the farmers affected in these areas.
    C) Govt. may declare these areas as drought affected.
    D) People may blame the govt. and agitate for not getting adequate water for cultivation.
    E) None of these
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    Option C

    C) may be the possible fallout of given situation.
  5. There has been a spate of rail accidents in India in the recent months, killing large numbers of passengers and injuring many more. This has raised serious doubts on the railway’s capability of providing safety to travellers.
    Which of the following statements substantiates the views expressed in the above statement?
    A) Indian Railways is known for providing best comfort to its passenger.
    B) People have no option other than travelling long distances on rail.
    C) The railway tracks at many places have been found to be stressed due to wear and tear in the recent times.
    D) Local residents are always the first to provide a helping hand to the passengers in the event of such disasters.
    E) None of these
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    Option C

    C) substantiates the views expressed in the statement.
  6. A few travellers were severely beaten up by villagers recently in a remote rural part of the state as the villagers found the movement of the travellers suspicious. The district authority has sent a police team to nab the culprits. Which of the following inferences can be drawn from the above statement? (An inference is something which is not directly stated but can be concluded/deduced from the given facts.)
    A) The villagers dislike the presence of strangers in their vicinity.
    B) Villagers are generally suspicious in nature.
    C) Travellers prefer to visit countryside
    D) The govt. generally provides protection to travellers across the country.
    E)) None of these
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    Option D

    District authority sent a police team to nab the culprits. It shows that govt is committed to provide protection to travellers across the country
  7. There has been a considerable drop in sales of four- wheelers during the past six months when compared to the number of four-wheelers sold during this period last year.
    Which of the following can the probable cause(s) of the above phenomenon?
    (1) The govt. imposed higher excise duty on four-wheelers at the beginning of this year.
    (2) The petrol prices have risen considerably during the past eight months.
    (3) The rate of interest on home and car loans have been rising for the past seven months.
    A) All (1), (2) and (3)
    B) Only (1) and (3)
    C) Only (2) and (3)
    D) (2) Only
    E) (1) Only
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    Option A

    All three statements are probable causes of drop in sales of 4-wheelers during the past 6 months
  8. There is an alarming trend of skewed sex ratio against women in India during the past decade and the situation may go out of hand if adequate steps are not taken to stop female foeticide.
    Which of the following can be an effective step to reverse the trend?
    (1) The govt. should immediately completely ban the use of scanners/sonography on expecting mothers at all health centres.
    (2) The govt. should announce a substantial incentive scheme for couples who have at least one girl child.
    (3) The govt. should launches a nationwide campaign to create awareness against female foeticide
    A) Only (1)
    B) Only (1) and (2)
    C) Only (2) and (3)
    D) All (1), (2) and (3)
    E) None of these
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    Option D

    All statements can be effective steps to reverse the trend
  9. A very large number of technically qualified young Indians are coming out of colleges every year though there are not enough opportunities for them to get gainful employment.
    Which of the following contradicts the views expressed in the above statement?
    A) Technically qualified persons are far superior to those with standard degrees like BA/BSc/BCom etc.
    B) The govt. has not done effective planning for engaging technically qualified personnel while authorizing the setting up of technical colleges.
    C) Huge gap exists between the level of competence of technically qualified graduates and requirements of the industry.
    D) Majority of the technically qualified persons are migrating from India to developed countries for better opportunities.
    E) None of these
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    Option D

    D) contradicts the views expressed in the statement
  10. The govt. appealed to all citizens to use potable water judiciously as there is an acute shortage in supply. Excessive use may lead to huge scarcity in coming months. Which of the following assumption is implicit in the above statement? (An assumption is something supposed or taken for granted.)
    A) People may ignore the appeal and continue using water as per their consideration.
    B) Govt. may be able to tap those who do not respond to the appeal.
    C) Govt. may be able to put in place alternate sources of water in the event of crisis.
    D) A large number of people may positively respond to the govt’s appeal and help tide over the crisis.
    E) Only the poor are going to suffer from this shortage of water supply.
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    Option D

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