Sunday, September 8, 2024
Banking QuizQuant

Quantitative Aptitude: Profit and Loss Set 6

Profit and Loss Questions NICL AO, IBPS PO/Clerk, OBC SO, Dena Bank PO, SBI PO, BOI and other competitive exams.

  1. If a person reduce his selling price of an article by rs40 then the suggested profit of 33(1/3)% convert into loss of 20%. Find the cost price?
    A) Rs60
    B) Rs75
    C) Rs100
    D) Rs150
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    Option B

    .                                        C.P………………S.P
    33(1/3)% gain=1/3            3………………….4
    20%LOSS= 1/5                 5………………….4
    Make C.P same & we will get
    20-12 =8
    8 =40
    1 =5
    15 =75
  2. The price of an article increase by 20% and a man now get 10kg less, if he also reduce his consumption by 20%, then find how much kg of article he used to purchase in normal price?
    A) 15kg
    B) 20kg
    C) 30kg
    D) 40kg
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    Option C

    .       100
    80             120
    120 -80 =40
    40/120 * T =10
    T = 30kg
  3. A shopkeeper sell his goods at 25% loss but he uses false weight of 30%. Find the loss or profit of shopkeeper in this whole process?
    A) 50/7% profit
    B) 50/3% profit
    C) 50/7% loss
    D) 50/3% loss
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    Option A

    .          1000
    700                 750
    750 – 700 = 50
    50/700 *100 = 50/7% profit
  4. A shopkeeper sells an article at 25% profit. Had he bought it for 10% loss and sold it for rs16 less, he would have earned 30% profit. What is the actual cost price?
    A) 100
    B) 150
    C) 175
    D) 200
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    Option D

    let C.P = 100
    At 10% loss
    90………………….117…..125- 117= 8
    .         +30% profit
    8 =16
    1 =2
    100 =200
  5. A dishonest milkman sells milk at cost price but he mixes water and earns 14(2/7)%. Find the ratio of mixture and milk in the mixture?
    A) 7 : 1
    B) 7 : 8
    C) 1 : 7
    D) 8 : 7
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    Option D

    milk : water
    100 14(2/7)
    7 : 1
    Milk =7
    Mixture = 7+1 =8
    Mixture : milk
    8 : 7
  6. A man sells his two articles at Rs1200. At one he gains 25% and at another he gains 16(2/3)%. Overall he gains 20%. Find the cost price of first article?
    A) 500
    B) 400
    C) 600
    D) 700
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    Option B

    first we find C.P of both
    20% gain = 1/5
    SP is 1200, so 1+5 = 6 = 1200. SO 5 = 1000
    …..                 20
    2 : 3
    2/5*1000 = 400
  7. A sold an article to B at the profit of 25%, B sold it to C at loss of 10% and C sold it to D at the profit of 20%. If D paid rs27, then how much A paid to buy this article?
    A) Rs20
    B) Rs15
    C) Rs12
    D) Rs9
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    Option A

    125/100 * 90/100 * 120/100 * X = 27
    X = rs20
  8. A man buys some toffees at 5 toffee in 3rupee and same number of toffee at 5 toffee in rs4. He sold all of them at 5 toffee in 4 rupee. Find his overall gain or loss percent?
    A) 16(2/3)%
    B) 10%
    C) 20%
    D) 14(2/7)%
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    Option D

    .           Rs………..Qty
    .             3………….5
    .             4………….5
    C.P       Rs7      10toffees
    He sold at 5toffees in Rs4 so for 10toffees he gets Rs8
    C.P =Rs27………. S.P = Rs28
    Profit % = 1/7 *100 = 14(2/7) %
  9. By selling 144 hens Mahesh suffer a loss equal to the selling price of 6 hens. Find his loss percent?
    A) 4%
    B) 3%
    C) 9%
    D) 4(1/2)%
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    Option A

    loss = C.P – S.P
    S.P of 6 hen = C.P of 144 hens – S.P of 144 hens
    S.P of 150 hens = C.P of 144 hens
    6/150 *100 = 4% loss
  10. If a man wants to gain 33(1/3)% after allowing a discount of 16(2/3)%. Then find how much percent he has to increase his C.P to make M.P ?
    A) 33(1/3)%
    B) 50%
    C) 60%
    D) 66(2/3)%
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    Option C

    gain 33(1/3)% =1/3
    C.P …………………..S.P
    Discount 16(2/3)% =1/6
    Now make S.P same and we will get..
    24-15 = 9
    9/15 * 100 = 60%