Sunday, September 8, 2024
Banking QuizReasoning

Reasoning: Syllogism Set 10

Direction (1-2): In which of the following options does the given conclusions do not follow.

  1. Conclusions:
    (i) Some print are mouse
    (ii) Some boat are not ship
    A) Some print are boat. All boat are mouse. No mouse is ship
    B) No ship is mouse. All mouse is boat. All boat are print.
    C) All mouse are print. Some print are boat. No boat is ship.
    D) Some boat are mouse. All mouse are ship. No ship is print.
    E) Both conclusion follows in all the above statements.
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      Option D
     In Option D : All+ No = No => All mouse are ship. No ship is print.  => No Print Is mouse, Hence conclusion (i) doesnot follow.
  2. Conclusions:
    (i) All rich being poor is a possibility.
    (ii) Some greedy are needy
    A) Some rich are greedy. Some greedy are poor. All poor are needy.
    B) No rich is Needy. Some needy are poor. All poor are greedy
    C) No rich is greedy. Some greedy are poor. Some poor are needy
    D) Some greedy are poor. All poor are needy. Some needy are rich
    E) Both conclusion follows in all the above statements.
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      Option C
    In Option C , (ii) doesnot follows

Direction (3-4): In which of the following options fourth statement follows from the first three statements?

  1. A) Some black are blue. No blue is red. All red are orange. Some black are not orange.
    B) All red are blue. No blue is black. Some black is orange. Some black are not red.
    C) No orange is red. Some red is blue. All blue is black. Some black are not red.
    D) Some blue is red. All red is orange. No orange is black. Some black are not blue.
    E) Does not follow in any option.
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    Option B
    From (B) All+No=No ; All red are blue. No blue is black. => No red is black. When No red is black means Some black is not red is also true.
  2. A) All sky is ocean. No ocean is wind. All wind is fire. Some sky are not fire.
    B) Some ocean are wind. All wind is fire. No fire is sky. Some sky are not ocean.
    C) All wind is ocean. Some ocean is sky. No sky is fire. All wind being fire is a possibility.
    D) All fire is wind. Some wind is ocean. No ocean is sky. Some fire are sky.
    E) Does not follow in any option.
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    Option C
    In Option C, All + Some = No conclusion , Hence No conclusion + No = No conclusion = Any poosibilty is true => All wind is ocean. Some ocean is sky. No sky is fire. => Any possibility between Wind and fire is true.

Direction (5-6):  In which option, 4th statement does not follow from the 1st three statements?

  1. A) All book are note. Some note is text. All text is paper. All book being paper is a possibility.
    B) Some paper are text. All text is note. No note is book. Some paper are not book.
    C) Some text are note. Some note is paper. All paper are book. Some book are text.
    D) All note are paper. All paper is text. No text is book. Some book are not paper.
    E) None of these
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    Option C
    Some + Some +All = No conclusion => Conclusion cannot be drawn from Option C
  2. A)All red are white . Some white are black. No black is blue. All red being blue is a possibility.
    B) Some black are white. No white is red. All red is blue. Some black are not blue.
    C) Some blue are black. All black is white. All white is red. Some blue are red.
    D) Some white are black. All black are red. No red is blue. Some white are not blue.
    E) None of these
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      Option B
    Some + No +All = No conclusion; So Conclusion cannot be drawn from Option B

Direction (7-9):  You have to determine using which two or three statements the given conclusion follows

  1. Conclusion: Some Red are not Blue
    (i) All Red is Orange
    (ii) Some Red is Orange
    (iii) No Orange is Blue.
    A) (i) and (ii)
    B) (i) and (iii)
    C) (ii) and (iii)
    D) Conclusion does not follow from any of the statements together
    E) From Both (i) and (iii) AND (ii) and (iii)
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      Option E
    using (i) and (iii) : All+ No=No => No red is blue. => Some red is not blue.
    From (ii) and (iii) :  Some + No= Some Not=> Some Red is not blue.
  2.  Conclusion: All Red being Blue is a possibility.
    (i) All red is orange
    (ii) No blue is orange.
    (iii) Some Orange is Blue
    A) (ii) and (iii)
    B) (i) and (ii)
    C) (i) and (iii)
    D) From Both (i) and (iii) AND  (i) and (ii)
    E) Conclusion does not follow from any of the statements together
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      Option C
    From (i) and (iii) : All+Some= No conclusion=> Any possibility is true. So conclusion with possibility follows.
  3. Conclusion: No circle is square
    (i) All circle is rectangle.
    (ii) All Rectangle is diagonal
    (iii) No rectangle is square
    (iv) No diagonal is square
    A) (i) and (iv)
    B) (i) and (iii)
    C) Conclusion does not follow from any of the statements together
    D) (i), (ii) and (iv)
    E) Both B) and D)
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      Option E
     From B) All+ No=No=> No circle is square.
    From D) All+All+No= No= No circle is square.
  4. Which of the following options if included in the statement will make the given conclusion follow?
    Statements: Some paper is text. All blue is mouse. No mouse is glass
    Conclusion: Some paper is not glass
    A) Some text is blue
    B) All text is blue
    C) No text is blue
    D) Some text are not blue
    E) None of these
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      Option B
    Some paper is text. All text is blue. All blue is mouse. No mouse is glass = Some+all+all+no= some not=> some paper are not glass .