Monday, October 14, 2024
Banking QuizReasoning

Reasoning: Coding/Decoding Set 10

Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:

In a certain code,
′drone petrol crush print′ is written as         ′r2m#        r1h/         r1m+          e2l$′
′josh dance heft diesel′ is written as             ′i3v$          o1h/         a2x#           e1u+′
′drive mesh ideal font′ is written as              ′r2e#         e1h/         d3z$           o1m+′
′dredge preach export hell′ is written as      ′r2t#          r2x/         x2i+            e1o$′

  1. What is the code for ‘leash’?
    A) e3s/
    B) e2a/
    C) e2h/
    D) 23a/
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option C

    The code consists of 4 terms
    (i) First term : It is the second alphabet of any word. Example drone – r is the second alphabet.
    (ii) Second term : represents the number of vowel in a word. Example in drone there are two vowels. Hence Number is 2
    (iii) Third term : it is the alphabet corresponding to the second last alphabet of a word in reverse order. Example in drone- second last alphabet is N. In reverse order N=M
    (iv) Fourth Term : Symbols represent the last alphabet of each word. Notice that in each line all the words ends in e,l,h or t. L=$, E=#, T=+, H=/
  2. ′o2z$′ can be the code of which of the following word?
    A) font
    B) foist
    C) focal
    D) fool
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option C
  3. What is the code for ‘constant boggle’?
    A) o2n# o2o+
    B) o3s+ o2o#
    C) o3n# 03n+
    D) o2m+ o2o#
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option D
  4. What is the code for ‘provoke corset’?
    A) r2k# o2v+
    B) o2v+ r3p#
    C) r2k# o2e+
    D) o3v# r2k+
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option B
  5. What is the code for ‘downcast’?
    A) d2s+
    B) o2h+
    C) o3s+
    D) d3s+
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option B

Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
‘Rust Fish Joint Farm’ is written as             ‘9©S     5$S      3%L      3@G ’,
‘Nurse Pirate Label Hint’ is written as       ‘6%K     4@S      8@D     7©D’,
‘Recall Dump Light House’ is written as    ‘4$D    2©O      6@S     9#K’, and
‘Loyal Best Pale Letter’ is written as          ‘1#S      6#Q      6$K      8%D’.

  1. Which is the code for ‘Honey Bunny’?
    A) 3$S 2%X
    B) 4$X 1©X
    C) 1@X 2©D
    D) 4#E 4%B
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option B

    (i) Numbers – First letter of word divided by 2. For Honey – First letter H = 8, so 8/2 = 4
    (ii) For symbols: second letter of word is used
    a – %, e- #, I – @, o – $, u – ©
    So for Honey, second letter o changes to $
    (iii) For alphabet, last letter of word changes to its previous letter in alphabet
    So for Honey, last letter y to (y – 1) = X
    so Honey is 4$X
    B = 2, so 2/2 = 1
    for second letter u – ©
    For last letter y => X
    So Bunny is 1©X
  2. What is the code for ‘Number’?
    A) 7©Q
    B) 8#S
    C) 7@G
    D) 4%P
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option A

  3. What is the code of ‘News Live’?
    A) 5@D 7#R
    B) 6@D 6#D
    C) 6@D 7#R
    D) 2@D 3#R
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option C

  4. What is the code of ‘Rampant’?
    A) 4%S
    B) 9©D
    C) 9#S
    D) 9%S
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option D

  5. Which is the code for ‘valid notes’?
    A) 8#C 7$R
    B) 11%C 7$R
    C) 10%C 7©R
    D) 11@C 12$R
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option B