Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Banking QuizEnglish

English: Word Usage Set 2

Direction: In each of the following questions, a word has been used in sentences in four different ways. Choose the option corresponding to the sentence in which the usage of the word is INCORRECT or INAPPROPRIATE.

  1. Colony
    A) Japanese forces overran the French colony of Indo-China
    B) The colony looked forward to fifty or more years of autonomy
    C) Because a skunk lived under our deck, a horrible smell would colony into our vents.
    D) A jellyfish is not a single animal, but is actually a colony of animals.
    E) All are correct
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    Option C
    : A) colony- a country or area under the full or partial political control of another country and occupied by settlers from that country.
    B) colony- a group of people living in a colony, consisting of the original settlers and their descendants and successors.
    D) colony- a community of animals or plants of one kind living close together or forming a physically connected structure.
  2. Compact
    A) The rubbish was taken to the depot to be compacted.
    B) Rather than allow my literary talents to become compact, I try and write at least two pages each day.
    C) Swati always carries a compact with her to touch up her make-up when necessary.
    D) A wide selection of films is available for your 35 mm compact
    E) All are correct
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    Option B
    : A) compact- exert force on (something) so that it becomes more dense; compress.
    C) Compact- a small flat case containing face powder, a mirror, and a powder puff.
    D) compact- something that is a small and conveniently shaped example of its kind, in particular a compact camera.
  3. Complex
    A) Since the volcano is complex right now, you do not have to be concerned about it erupting.
    B) They have moved into a new housing complex near the ocean.
    C) Don’t say anything about his height because he has a bit of a complex about it.
    D) One’s ability to perform complex tasks is generally disrupted by a lack of sleep.
    E) All are correct
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    Option A
    : B) complex- a group of similar buildings or facilities on the same site.
    C) complex- a strong or disproportionate concern or anxiety about something.
    D) complex- difficult
  4. Compose
    A) The majority of songs sung by the Arijit were composed by Vishal and Shekhar.
    B) The young girl went into the bathroom to compose herself after her boyfriend told her he wanted to break up.
    C) The central core of our earth is composed predominantly of iron and nickel.
    D) You should compose your food within 1 hour of preparing it.
    E) All are correct
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    Option D
    : A) composed- write or create (a work of art, especially music or poetry).
    B) compose- calm or settle (oneself or one’s features or thoughts).
    C) composed- formed
  5. Contrast
    A) His friend’s success contrasted with his own failure
    B) The woman looked contrasted after sitting up for a week with her dying husband.
    C) People contrasted her with her sister
    D) The castle is quite a contrast to other places where the singer has performed
    E) All are correct
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    Option B
    : A) contrast- differ
    C) contrast- compare in such a way as to emphasize differences.
    D)contrast- different
  6. Cover
    A) Your contents are now covered against accidental loss or damage in transit.
    B) Sushmita laughed to cover her embarrassment.
    C) AspirantsZone covers topics such as New Patten English, Reasoning and Quants.
    D) If you want to get somewhere quickly you better have a ride with some covers to it.
    E) All are correct
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    Option D
    : A) cover- (of insurance) protect against a liability, loss, or accident involving financial consequences.
    B) cover- disguise the sound or fact of (something) with another sound or action.
  7. Cross
    A) He was killed while attempting to cross the Pacific Ocean in a hot air balloon.
    B) The Danish flag, with a white cross on a red background, is the oldest national flag in the world.
    C) A slight smile crossed her face when she saw her husband entering the room.
    D) He seemed to be very cross about something
    E) All are correct
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    Option E
    : A) cross- go or extend across or to the other side of (an area, stretch of water, etc.).
    B) cross- symbol of (×)
    C) cross- appeared on her face
    D) cross- annoyed
  8. Curl
    A) Her fingers curled round the microphone
    B) As the rain began to curl, we headed out to the park.
    C) The cat lay curled up in a ball on the rug in front of the fireplace.
    D) The pages of the old book were curled so she put a heavy weight on the book to flatten them out.
    E) All are correct
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    Option B
    : curl- form or cause to form into a curved or spiral shape.
  9. Cycle
    A) Agencies all over the world are trying to cycle the international jewel thief.
    B) The cells are shed over a cycle of twenty-eight days
    C) My daughter is studying the life cycle of the butterfly in her elementary school science class.
    D) Economies cycle regularly between boom and slump.
    E) All are correct
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    Option A
    : B) cycle- the period of time taken to complete a cycle of events.
    B) life cycle- the series of changes in the life of an organism
    D) cycle- move in or follow a regularly repeated sequence of events.
  10. Crash
    A) A racing car had crashed, wrecking a safety barrier
    B) I heard a loud crash from the kitchen, and ran in to find that my cat had knocked over a pile of dirty dishes.
    C) He slammed the phone down with a crash
    D) My computer crashed and I lost my essay, so I had to do the whole thing over.
    E) All are correct
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    Option E
    : A) crash- collide violently
    B) and C) crash- a sudden loud noise as of something breaking or hitting another object.