Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Banking QuizQuant

Quantitative Aptitude: Partnership Set 5

Caselets Partnership Questions for IBPS PO, SBI PO, NIACL, NICL, LIC, RBI Grade B, IBPS Clerk, Dena Bank PO PGDBF, BOI, Bank of Baroda and other competitive exams

  1. Kartik, Bhuvan and Sid entered into a partnership and invested Rs 13,000, Rs 16,000 and Rs 19,000 respectively. After 7 months, Kartik and Bhuvan added Rs 1,000 and Rs 5,000 respectively while Sid withdrew Rs 5,000. If at the end of year their annual profit is Rs 43,160, find the total profit share of Kartik and Sid.
    A) Rs 28,030
    B) Rs 27,190
    C) Rs 26,830
    D) Rs 28,420
    E) Rs 27,040
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      Option E
    Karti : Bhuvan : Sid
    13000*7 + 14000*5 : 16000*7 + 21000*5 : 19000*7 + 14000*5
    23 : 31 : 29
    So required share = (23+29)/(23+31+29) * 43160 = Rs 27,040 
  2. Megha, Isha and Rani entered into a partnership by investing Rs 20,000, Rs X, and Rs 22,000 respectively for 6 months, 8 months and 10 months respectively. If Isha earns a profit of Rs 16500 out of a total profit of Rs 44,550, find the total investment done by all three.
    A) Rs 47,000
    B) Rs 25,000
    C) Rs 54,000
    D) Rs 39,000
    E) Rs 67,000
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    Option E

    Megha : Isha : Rani
    20000*6 : X*8 : 22000*10
    30000 : 2X : 55000
    15000 : X : 27500
    So X/(15000+X+27500) * 44550 = 16500
    Gives X/(15000+X+27500) * 270 = 100
    Solve, X = 25,000
    So total investment = 20+25+22 = 67,000
  3. Kamya, Prisha and Tisha started a business by investing Rs X, Rs (X+400) and Rs (X-200). If after the end of year, total share of profit of Kamya and Tisha is Rs 8100 out of a total profit of Rs 13,500, find the profit share of Prisha.
    A) Rs 6100
    B) Rs 5400
    C) Rs 5100
    D) Rs 6600
    E) Rs 5500
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    Option B
    Kamya : Prisha : Tisha
    X : (X+400) : (X-200)
    So (X+X-200)/(X + X+400 + X-200) * 13500 = 8100
    Solve, X = 1600
    So ratio of profit share is
    1600 : 2000 : 1400 = 8 : 10 : 7
    So profit share of Prisha = 10/25 * 13500 = Rs 5400
  4. Preeti, Anu and Aarti entered into a business. Preeti invested Rs 2500 for some months, Anu invested Rs 3000 for 2 more months than Preeti and Aarti invested Rs 3500 for 3 months less than Anu. If Anu got Rs 8400, out of a total profit of Rs 19,000, then Aarti invested her money for how many months?
    A) 3 months
    B) 5 months
    C) 4 months
    D) 6 months
    E) 2 months
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    Option C
    Preeti : Anu : Aarti
    25000*x : 3000*(x+2) : 3500*(x-1)
    5x : 6(x+2) : 7(x-1)
    So (6x+12)/(5x + 6x+12 + 7x-7) * 19000 = 8400
    Solve, x = 5
    So Aarti invested money for 4 months

Directions (5-7): A, B and C started a business by investing Rs 800, Rs 1600 and Rs 2000 respectively. After a quarter they invested amounts in a ratio 1 : 4 : 2. After another quarter, they invested amounts in ratio 3 : 2 : 3.In the last quarter the ratio of investments was same as in 2nd quarter. Also in the last quarter, the respective amounts of A, B and C was double than the respective amounts invested in 2nd quarter. The total investment of C before 4th quarter was Rs 1400 more than that of A during same duration. Also ratio of B’s share in profit to total profit at the end of year was 66 : 153.

  1. Find the total investment of A, B and C.
    A) Rs 10,200
    B) Rs 11,300
    C) Rs 9,800
    D) Rs 10,080
    E) Rs 11,090
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    Option A
    Quarters means 3 months each
    Ratio of investments in 2nd quarter – 1 : 4 : 2, so let amounts – x, 4x, 2x
    Ratio of investments in 3rd quarter – 3 : 2 : 3, so let amounts – 3y, 2y, 3y
    In last quarter, respective amount is double then in 2nd quarter, so amounts – 2x, 8x, 4x
    In the last quarter the ratio of investments was same as in 2nd quarter. —  this is not required to solve question.
    (2000 + 2x + 3y) = 1400 + (800+x+3y)
    Solve, x = Rs 200
    Now ratio of profit share —A : B : C is
    800*3 + x*3 + 3y*3 + 2x*3 : 1600*3 + 4x*3 + 2y*3 + 8x*3 : 2000*3 + 2x*3 + 3y*3 + 4x*3
    3 gets cancelled, gives
    (800+3x+3y) : (1600+12x+2y) : (2000+6x+3y)
    Put x = 200 gives
    1400+3y : 4000+2y : 3200+3y
    Now given
    (4000+2y)/(1400+3y + 4000+2y + 3200+3y) = 66/153
    (2000+y)/(4300+4y) = 22/51
    Solve, y = Rs 200
    So now the total investment is—(800+3x+3y) + (1600+12x+2y) + (2000+6x+3y) = (4400 + 21x + 8y)
    put x = 200, y = 200, total investment = Rs 10,200
  2. If they respectively had invested same amounts in each quarter after quarter 1 which is equal to their respective investments in quarter 1, then what would be the profit of A at the end of year out of a total profit of Rs 19,350?
    A) Rs 2510
    B) Rs 3320
    C) Rs 2560
    D) Rs 3150
    E) None of these
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    Option D
    800, 1600, 2000 as it is for 3 months, and then for next 9 months x, 4x and 2x
    So ratio of profit share – A : B : C is
    800*3 + 200*9 : 1600*3 + 800*9 : 2000*3 + 400*9
    7 : 20 : 16
    So profit share of A = 7/43 * 19350 = Rs 3150
  3. If the respective investments in third quarter was changed and this was in ratio 2 : 4 : 1 (other investments being the same), then what would be the total investment of all three in third quarter, if the average investment of all A B and C was Rs 3100 for whole year?
    A) Rs 700
    B) Rs 800
    C) Rs 500
    D) Rs 900
    E) None of these
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    Option A
    New investments – 3z, 2z, and 2z
    Investment of A = (800+3x+2z), B = (1600+12x+4z) and C =(2000+6x+1z)
    Put x = 200
    A = 1400+2z, B = 4000+4z, C = 3200+1z
    Now given (1400+2z + 4000+4z + 3200+1z)/3 = 3100
    Solve, z = Rs 100
    So total investment for quarter 3 = 2z+4z+z = 7z = Rs 700

Directions (8-10): A, B and C started a business. They invested amounts in the ratio 1 : 3 : 2 respectively for 8 months. After this they invested amounts in ratio 2 : 3 : 4 respectively for 4 months. The average investment of A and B is Rs 2800 while average investment of B and C is Rs 3800.

  1. Find the total investment of C?
    A) Rs 4000
    B) Rs 5000
    C) Rs 6000
    D) Rs 4500
    E) Rs 3500
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    Option A
    A : B : C is
    x*8 + 2y*4 : 3x*8 + 3y*4 : 2x*8 + 4y*4 gives (2x+2y) : (6x+3y) : (4x+4y)
    (x+2y+3x+3y)/2 = 2800
    4x+5y = 5600
    Also (3x+3y+2x+4y)/2 = 3800
    5x+7y = 7600
    Solve both equations, x = 400, y = 800
    So total investment of C = (2x+4y) = Rs 4000
  2. If B’s investment for both the terms (4 months and 8 months) was swapped, then find the total profit share of B and C if annual profit is Rs 46,200.
    A) Rs 45,600
    B) Rs 32,800
    C) Rs 43,600
    D) Rs 37,800
    E) None of these
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    Option D
    B’s investment for 8 months = 3x = 3*400 = Rs 1200 and for 4 months = 3y = 3*800 = Rs2400
    Now swapped, means for 8 months = Rs 2400 and for 4 months is Rs 1200
    So now ratio of A : B : C is
    400*8 + 1600*4 : 2400*8 + 1200*4 : 800*8 + 3200*4
    2 : 5 : 4
    So required profit = (5+4)/(2+5+4) * 46200 = Rs 37,800                
  3. If A’s share in annual profit is Rs 9030, find the total profit after a year.
    A) Rs 41,390
    B) Rs 45,150
    C) Rs 42,610
    D) Rs 46,240
    E) Rs 43,170
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    Option B
    Ratio of profit share is
    (2x+2y) : (6x+3y) : (4x+4y)
    x = 400, y = 800
    So ratio becomes
    1 : 2 : 2
    So 1/5 * x = 9030
    Total profit = x = Rs 45,150