Quantitative Aptitude: Profit and Loss Set 1
- A loss of 10% is made by selling an article. Had it been sold for Rs 75 more, there would have been a profit of 5%. What would be the selling price of the article if it is sold at 15% profit?
A) Rs 475
B) Rs 520
C) Rs 575
D) Rs 425
E) None of these
- A profit of 20% is made when an article is sold for Rs 720. What will be the profit % if the same article is sold for Rs 630?
A) 12%
B) 9%
C) 3%
D) 5%
E) 8%
- A trader gets a profit of 30% on buying a kg of wheat. By mistake, he sold 1200 grams of wheat at the price of 1 kg. Find his net profit/loss%.
A) 25/3% profit
B) 55/3% profit
C) 30/11% loss
D) 125/3% loss
E) 25/6% profit
- A trader bought 8 kg of rice at Rs 10 per kg. While selling he uses false weights of 1600 gm instead of 2 kg. What profit did he make by selling 8 kg of rice bought?
A) Rs 18
B) Rs 30
C) Rs 20
D) Rs 26
E) Rs 33
- There is a profit of 20% on an article, when a discount of 10% is given. What will be the profit % on the article if discount given is 20%?
A) 2 1/3%
B) 7%
C) 4 4/5%
D) 8%
E) 6 2/3%
- Two mobiles are sold at same price. If on one, a profit of 25% is made and on another, a loss of 10% is incurred, find the net profit/loss%.
A) 10 62/99%
B) 15 12/33%
C) 6 14/23%
D) 4 28/43%
E) 15 1/5%
- Cost price of milk is Rs x per litre and it is sold at Rs 1.5x per litre. If the milkman mixes 2 litres water with every 4 litres of pure milk while selling, what is his profit percentage?
A) 100%
B) 125%
C) 80%
D) 25%
E) 55%
- The profit% made by selling an article for Rs 2200 is same as the loss% made by selling the same article for Rs 1700. What would be the selling price of the article if it is sold at 10% profit?
A) Rs 2145
B) Rs 2080
C) Rs 1975
D) Rs 1900
E) Rs 2180
- Due to reduction of 20% in price of pens a customer can purchase 5 more pens for Rs. 40. What is the original price of a pen?
A) Rs 5
B) Rs 3
C) Rs 2
D) Rs 6
E) Rs 8
- If the cost price of 200 pens is equal to the selling price of 160 pens, the gain/loss % is
A) 14% loss
B) 25% gain
C) 12% gain
D) 16% loss
E) 22% gain