Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Banking QuizReasoning

Reasoning: Blood Relations Questions Set 6


Blood Relation Questions for SBI PO, IBPS PO/Clerk, RRB, OICL, NIACL, NICL, RBI, BoB and other competitive exams.

Directions (1-3): There are ten members A, B, C, D, E, F, G, P, Q, and O in a family . Three generations and three married couples in family. B is maternal grandfather of G, who is sister of C. F is son-in-law of A, who is mother of three children. P is brother of E and son of B, who is father-in-law of O, who is not married to P. Q is sister-in-law of O and aunt of D. F has only daughter and D is not granddaughter of B. Q is sister of P.

  1. How P related to C ?
    A) Maternal uncle
    B) Father
    C) Brother
    D) Maternal aunt
    E) None of these
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      Option A
  2. If R is brother of F, than how R related to Q?
    A) Son
    B) Uncle
    C) Brother-in-law  
    D) Sister-in-law
    E) None of these 
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      Option C  
  3. If M is sister of of B, than how M related to E?
    A) Paternal aunt
    B) Mother
    C) Sister
    D) Can’t determined
    E) None of these
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      Option A

Directions (4-6): U is brother of X. X is married to Z, who is daughter of M. U is father of F. Y is mother of V. Y has only one son and one daughter. V is son of U. Q is daughter of X.

  1. How Z related to Y?
    A) Brother-in-law  
    B) Sister
    C) Sister-in-law
    D) Mother
    E) None of these
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      Option C
  2. How F related to X ?
    A) Nephew
    B) Daughter
    C) Son
    D) Niece
    E) None of these
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      Option D   

  3. How M related to Q?
    A) Grandfather
    B) Grandmother
    C) Father
    D) Mother
    E) Can’t determined
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      Option E

Directions (7-9): O is brother of T. T married to G. G is mother of U.  N is daughter of F. T is father-in-law of F. G has only one daughter and no son. O is married to C. L is son of O.

  1. How L related to T ?
    A) Niece
    B) Nephew
    C) Son
    D) Daughter
    E) None of these
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      Option B 

  2. How N related to G ?
    A) Granddaughter
    B) Grandson
    C) Daughter
    D) Son
    E) None of these
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      Option A
  3. How O related to U?
    A) Mother
    B) Sister
    C) Uncle  
    D) Aunt
    E) None of these
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      Option C
  4.  If P+Q means, P is brother of Q, P-Q means, P is sister of Q, P×Q means, P is father of Q. Which of following means F is daughter of C?
    A) C×E+O-F+B
    B) C×E+O-F-B
    C) C×E-F+B
    D) F-E+B+C
    E) None of these
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      Option B