Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Banking QuizReasoning

Reasoning: Coding/Decoding Set 13

 Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:

In a certain code,

 Word    Coded Form  Word    Coded Form
MEET [5] [15] [15] [5] TALE [5] [30] [5] [30]
ONE [25] [5] [25] PUT [5] [10] [5]
SET [5] [10] [5] OLAP [0] [5] [0] [5]
COOK [5] [15] [15] [5] ATE [25] [5] [25]
PAIN [5] [20] [20] [5] POLE [5] [30] [5] [30]
UNIT [0] [5] [0] [5] NEAT [5] [20] [20] [5]


  1. The words TOOL and ROLE are coded, but someone mixed their codes. From which of the following codes, the complete codes for these two words will be formed?
    A) [5] [15] [15] [30] [15] [5] [30] [5]
    B) [5] [5] [15] [30] [15] [5] [10] [5]
    C) [5] [5] [15] [30] [15] [5] [30] [5]
    D) [5] [5] [15] [30] [5] [5] [30] [5]
    E) None of these
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      Option C
    See MEET and COOK. both have codes –  [5] [15] [15] [5]. So words in which second and third letters are same vowels, this code is used.
    See UNIT and OLAP. Both have codes – [0] [5] [0] [5]. SO words in which 1st and third letter are vowel have this as code
    See NEAR and PAIN. they have codes –  [5] [20] [20] [5]. So words in which second and third letters are vowels but different, this code is used.
    Similarly ATE and ONE
    SET and PUT,
    TALE and POLE
    Now in Given words TOOL and ROLE, codes will be
    TOOL – [5] [15] [15] [5] and ROLE – [5] [30] [5] [30]
    So see the option in which all these are present, i.e 4 [5]’s, 2 [30]’s and 2 [15]’s.  
  2. The words OPEN and SIN are coded, but someone mixed their codes. From which of the following codes, the complete codes for these two words will be formed?
    A) [0] [5] [15] [5] [0] [5] [10]
    B) [0] [5] [5] [5] [0] [5] [10]
    C) [0] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [10]
    D) [10] [5] [5] [5] [0] [5] [10]
    E) None of these
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      Option B
    OPEN – [0] [5] [0] [5]
    SIN – [5] [10] [5]
  3. Which of the following words can have codes from scrambled codes – [0] [0] [25] [5] [5] [25] [5]?
    (i)   OIL ARID               (ii) ARE EVIL
    (iii)  ORE MOOD          (iv)  AND FEEL
    A) Only (i)
    B) Only (ii)
    C) Both (ii) and (iv)
    D) Both (ii) and (iii)
    E) None of these
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      Option B
    ARE – [25] [5] [25]
    EVIL – [0] [5] [0] [5]  
  4. Which of the following words can have codes from scrambled codes – [5] [30] [15] [5] [5] [15] [5] [30]?
    (i)   KEEP DATE                (ii) LEAP SORE
    (iii)  CODE LOOP              (iv)  MODE DEEP
    A) Only (iii)
    B) Both (i) and (iii)
    C) Both (iii) and (iv)
    D) Both (i) and (ii)
    E) Only (i)
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      Option C 
    LOOP – [5] [15] [15] [5], CODE – [5] [30] [5] [30]
    DEEP – [5] [15] [15] [5], SALE – [5] [30] [5] [30]
  5. Which of the following words can have codes from scrambled codes – [30] [5] [15] [5] [5] [30] [5] [15]?
    (i)   KEEP DATE               (ii) LEAP SORE
    (iii)  POLL PAGE              (iv)  MOOD DONE
    A) Only (i)
    B) Both (i) and (iii)
    C) Both (ii) and (iv)
    D) Both (i) and (iv)
    E) None of these
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      Option D
    KEEP – [5] [15] [15] [5], DATE – [5] [30] [5] [30]
    MOOD – [5] [15] [15] [5], DONE – [5] [30] [5] [30]


 Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions:

In a certain code,
‘Cushion Parents Various Graph’ is written as    ‘12%I     6%E      7#H       3$A’,
‘Given Maximum Avenues Foolish’ is written as  ‘3@I      4$L      9%N       3#V ’,
‘Value Foolish Point Example’ is written as         ‘6?I       12!L        4$L        5!M’, and
‘Above Quantum Hexagon Cricket’ is written as  ‘2#A     7?C      7@N        9!O’.

  1. Which is the code for ‘First Watch’?
    A) 4#R   10$T
    B) 4?O   12$T
    C) 5?R   13$A
    D) 4?R   13$T
    E) Cannot be Determined
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      Option D
    Number according to first word: If first letter is numbered less than 10, then subtract from 10, else subtract 10 from number
    Like cushion: first letter is c , c = 3 which is less than 10 so, 10 – 3 = 7
    Various: v is 22 > 10, so 22-10 = 12
    Maximum, x = 13 > 10, 13-10 = 3
    Alphabet for middle letter word
    And Symbol for last letter
    N – #
    S – %
    H – $
    M – @
    E – !
    T – ?
    So for Parents, p = 16, so 16-10 = 6, s – % and middle letter E – so 6%E
  2. What is the code for ‘Movable Cupcake ’?
    A) 4!A 7!C
    B) 3#A 8!C
    C) 3!A 7!C
    D) 4!A 7%C
    E) Cannot be determined
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      Option C 
  3. What could ‘7?Y’ stand for?
    A) Clipboard
    B) Copycat
    C) Casual
    D) Cunning
    E) Cannot be determined
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      Option B
  4. What is the code of ‘Inherit’?
    A) 2#L
    B) 1?E
    C) 7?E
    D) 1#E
    E) Cannot be determined
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      Option B
  5. Which is the code for ‘Hexagon Subject’?
    A) 2#A    9?J
    B) 3@A    5?A
    C) 12#A    6#A
    D) 2$A    9?A
    E) Cannot be determined
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      Option A