Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Banking QuizReasoning

Reasoning: Coding/Decoding Set 9

Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:

In a certain code,
‘supremo three evident earning’ is written as    ‘-14%    -14@     %05-      *13+’,
‘admit reside unpaved gusto’ is written as         ‘?04-     @20+     /09%      =05©’,
‘monaco objects urgent sudoku’ is written as    ‘#03+   =14%     *11=       +20*’, and
‘grace under epicenter diva’ is written as           ‘-05?     =05?      ©22/       @03-’.

  1. What is the code for ‘made usher’?
    A) +16?   =12?
    B) #04%   +09?
    C) =05?   #04-
    D) #05*   +21?
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option C

    There is 2 ‘-’ sign in 1st code and 1 ‘-’ sign in last code
    But in 1st code, ‘-’ is at front, and in fourth code, ‘-’ at last
    and we see 2 words starting with e in first code (evident and earning) and one word ending with e in last code (grace). Also 1 word (three) in 1st code ending with e
    So we get that symbols are used for 1st and last letters in words. If letter at start then symbol at front, and for letter at last, symbol at last.
    t to %, S to *, R to ? M to #, G to @, D to ©, O to +, E to -, U to =, A to /
    Number for second last letter in word
    So for Evident
    E to – , number for n (14), and last letter ‘t’ to % – so evident is -14%
    admit – a to / , 9 for I, t to %, so admit – /09%
  2. What is the code for ‘our market’?
    A) #05%   +21?
    B) ?05+   /19?
    C) -03?   +21?
    D) #21?    +09?
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option A

  3. What is the code for ‘gate sudoku’?
    A) *20-   @11=
    B) @20-   *11=
    C) #20-   *11=
    D) @11-   *20=
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option B

  4. What is code for ‘anger’?
    A) @07?
    B) /05?
    C) =12#
    D) /05-
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option B
  5. What is the code for ‘sale’?
    A) *14#
    B) -05-
    C) #12-
    D *12-
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option D

Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
‘target made oval gamer’ is written as           ‘N2@    T3$      L2#     G4%’,
‘rupee recover support label’ is written as    ‘I3@      H5%    O3#     I5$’,
‘usual favour market house’ is written as      ‘F3#      S3@    N4%    U4$’, and
‘part ever incline oval’ is written as                 ‘L2#      V2$      K2%    R5@’.

  1. Which is the code for ‘severe’?
    A) H4#
    B) H4@
    C) N3%
    D) G2@
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option B

    The alphabet is written for first letter of each word in reverse order – A to Z, B to Y, C to X……….and Z to A
    For symbols, last letter is used:
    T = %, E = @, L = #, R = $
    The number is number of letters between first and last letters of words.
    Eg: made –
    M => N, 2 letters between M and e. @ for e
    So made = N2@
    for support –
    S => H, 5 letters between s and t. % for t
    So support = H5%, etc.
  2. What is the code for ‘oral theme’?
    A) L2#   H4@
    B) L2#   G3@
    C) F3#   G3@
    D) L1#   G4@
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option C

    oral – L2#
    theme – G3@
  3. What is the code of ‘quart recover’?
    A) I5$   J3%
    B) J5$   K4#
    C) H6$   W@
    D) I2#   J3%
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option A

    quart – J3%
    recover – I5$
  4. What is the code of ‘vapour’?
    A) E4#
    B) E5@
    C) R4$
    D) E4$
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option D

  5. Which is the code for ‘complaint several’?
    A) U7#   H5#
    B) H7%  H5@
    C) X7%  H5#
    D) S8%  H5#
    E) Cannot be determined
    View Answer
    Option C

    complaint – X7%
    several – H5#