Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Banking QuizReasoning

Reasoning: Machine Input-Output Set 4

Directions (1 – 5): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.
A number arrangement machine when given an input of words/numbers, rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and steps of rearrangement.
Input: 59 sun 16 calf 88 27 friend horizon
Step 1: 59 sun 16 88 27 friend horizon calf
Step 2: 59 sun 88 27 friend horizon 16 calf
Step 3: 59 sun 88 27 horizon 16 calf friend
Step 4: 59 sun 88 horizon 16 calf 27 friend
Step 5: 59 sun 88 16 calf 27 friend horizon
Step 6: sun 88 16 calf 27 friend 59 horizon
Step 7: 88 16 calf 27 friend 59 horizon sun
Step 8: 16 calf 27 friend 59 horizon 88 sun
This is the final arrangement and step 8 is the last step for this input.

Input: chair roof 63 table 59 23 floor 46

  1. How many elements are between ‘table’ and ’46’ in step 5?
    A) None
    B) One
    C) Two
    D) Three
    E) More than three
    View Answer
    Option D

    In each step, 1 word/number is taken and appended at last
    Words in alphabetical order and numbers in ascending order.
    Input: chair roof 63 table 59 23 floor 46
    Step 1: roof 63 table 59 23 floor 46 chair
    Step 2: roof 63 table 59 floor 46 23 chair
    Step 3: roof 63 table 59 46 23 chair floor
    Step 4: roof 63 table 59 23 chair 46 floor
    Step 5: 63 table 59 23 chair 46 floor roof
    Step 6: 63 table 23 chair 46 floor 59 roof
    Step 7: 63 23 chair 46 floor 59 roof table
    Step 8: 23 chair 46 floor 59 roof 63 table
  2. Which element is third to right of ‘floor’ in step 7?
    A) 23
    B) roof
    C) table
    D) 46
    E) None of these
    View Answer
    Option C

  3. Which elements are there in between ’63’ and ‘floor’ in step 2?
    A) 59
    B) Both table and 59
    C) Both 46 and table
    D) roof
    E) None of these
    View Answer
    Option B

  4. Which element is third to the right of sixth from the right end in step 3?
    A) roof
    B) 46
    C) chair
    D) 23
    E) None of these
    View Answer
    Option D

  5. If ’59’ is related to ‘chair’ in step 4 and ’63’ is related to ’59’ in step 2, then in same way to what is ‘floor’ related to in step 6?
    A) table
    B) 46
    C) chair
    D) roof
    E) None of these
    View Answer
    Option D

Directions (6 – 10): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.
A number arrangement machine when given an input of numbers/words, rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and steps of rearrangement.
Input: wise 35 29 83 bucks fright 22 hole
Step 1: 22 wise 35 29 83 bucks fright hole
Step 2: 22 wise 35 83 bucks fright hole 29
Step 3: bucks 22 wise 35 83 fright hole 29
Step 4: bucks 22 wise 35 83 hole 29 fright
Step 5: 35 bucks 22 wise 83 hole 29 fright
Step 6: 35 bucks 22 wise hole 29 fright 83
Step 7: hole 35 bucks 22 wise 29 fright 83
Step 8: hole 35 bucks 22 29 fright 83 wise
This is the final arrangement and step 8 is the last step for this input.

Input: chair roof 63 table 59 23 floor 46

  1. Which step number would be the following output?
    “59 chair 23 roof 63 table 46 floor”
    A) Step 3
    B) Step 4
    C) Step 5
    D) Step 6
    E) None of the Above
    View Answer
    Option B

    In each step, 1 word/number is taken and appended at beginning and last respectively
    Words in alphabetical order and numbers in ascending order in each respective step
    Input: chair roof 63 table 59 23 floor 46
    Step 1: 23 chair roof 63 table 59 floor 46
    Step 2: chair 23 roof 63 table 59 floor 46
    Step 3: chair 23 roof 63 table 59 46 floor
    Step 4: 59 chair 23 roof 63 table 46 floor
    Step 5: 59 chair 23 roof table 46 floor 63
    Step 6: roof 59 chair 23 table 46 floor 63
    Step 7: roof 59 chair 23 46 floor 63 table
  2. How many steps would be needed to complete the arrangement?
    A) 3
    B) 4
    C) 5
    D) 6
    E) 7
    View Answer
    Option E

  3. If in the Step 3, ‘chair’ interchanges its position with ‘table’ and ’23’ also interchanges its position with ‘46’, then which element will be second to the left of ’23’?
    A) 63
    B) floor
    C) table
    D) chair
    E) None of the Above
    View Answer
    Option D

  4. Which elements come exactly between ‘23’ and ‘table’ in Step 5 of the given input?
    A) chair
    B) 46
    C) roof
    D) floor
    E) None of the Above
    View Answer
    Option C

  5. Which of the following combinations represents the first and the last element of the step 7 of the given Input?
    A) 59, 63
    B) 59, table
    C) roof, table
    D) roof, 63
    E) None of the Above
    View Answer
    Option C