Tuesday, October 22, 2024
Banking QuizReasoning

Reasoning: Puzzles Set 16

Directions (1–5): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

Eight friends – Atul, Raghav, Ritika, Mansi, Bhavya, Vivek, Nisha, and Kanishka – attend college on different days of the week, from Monday to Friday. They like to play different games – Football, Basketball, Cricket, Badminton, Swimming, Archery, Table Tennis and Hockey, but not necessarily in the same order. Two of them are studying in Computer stream, two in Electronics, two in Aeronautical and two in Mechanical.

Vivek is studying in Aeronautical stream and goes to college on Tuesday along with Atul who plays Table Tennis. Kanishka and Raghav are studying in Mechanical stream and attend college on different days after the day on which Atul goes to the college. Bhavya plays Basketball and she attends college on the day exactly between Kanishka and Raghav. Atul and Bhavya are studying in Electronics stream. Ritika likes Archery and alone goes on the day just before Vivek. The ones who like Football and Cricket attend college on Friday. Kanishka likes to play Badminton. Nisha, who likes to play cricket and Mansi, who like to play Hockey are studying in Computer stream. Mansi attends college on the same day as Bhavya.

  1. What sport does Vivek like to play?
    A) Cricket
    B) Basketball
    C) Hockey
    D) Football
    E) Swimming
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     Option E
  2. In which stream is Ritika studying?
    A) Computer
    B) Aeronautical
    C) Electronics
    D) Mechanical
    E) Cannot be determined
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     Option B
  3. Which of the following combinations is true about Monday?
    A) Archery, Aeronautical
    B) Football, Aeronautical
    C) Cricket, Mechanical
    D) Table Tennis, Electronics
    E) Hockey, Computer
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     Option A
  4. Which of the following pairs of person and game is correct?
    A) Vivek, Cricket
    B) Nisha, Badminton
    C) Raghav, Football
    D) Ritika, Basketball
    E) Atul, Swimming
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     Option C
  5.  Which of the following attend college on Thursday?
    A) Kanishka, Raghav
    B) Atul, Vivek
    C) Raghav, Nisha
    D) Bhavya, Mansi
    E) Ritika, Bhavya
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     Option D

Directions (6–10): Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

8 professors namely – A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H teach different subjects – Accounts, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics, Business, Physics, English and History, but not necessarily in the same order. All of them are seated around a circular table and are facing the centre.

A is sitting third to the left of the one who teaches Business. Only two people sit between E and G. Neither E nor G is an immediate neighbor of A. Neither E nor G teaches Business. The one who teaches History sits second to the right of D. D is not an immediate neighbor of A. D does not teach Business and A does not teach History. The one who teaches Accounts sits third to the left of F. The ones who teach Accounts and Business are not immediate neighbors. Only one person sits between D and the one who teaches Biology. The ones who teach Mathematics and Chemistry are immediate neighbors. D does not teach Chemistry. Only one person sits between B and the one who teaches Physics. The one who teaches Physics is an immediate neighbor of H. G and B are not immediate neighbors.


  1. Who teaches Accounts?
    A) A
    B) F
    C) G
    D) E
    E) B
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     Option A

  2. Which of the following would come in place of question mark based upon the given seating arrangement?              FD HC EF CA ?
    A) DG
    B) GH
    C) BG
    D) BH
    E) FC
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     Option B
  3. Which of the following is true with respect to the given seating arrangement?
    A) C teaches History
    B) G is an immediate neighbor of F
    C) The ones who teach Accounts and Physics are immediate neighbors
    D) Four people sit between G and B
    E) None is true
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     Option C
  4. Who teaches Biology?
    A) B
    B) F
    C) H
    D) E
    E) Cannot be determined
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     Option D
  5. Who is sitting opposite C?
    A) E
    B) The one who teaches Mathematics
    C) H
    D) The one who teaches Business
    E) None of these
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     Option D