Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Banking QuizReasoning

Reasoning: Alphanumeric Series Set 1

Directions (1-5): Study the following arrangement and answer questions given:
H 4 R % M A # K 2 P 5 I © N 3 W @ F & J 1 U V 9 Q E D 7 8

  1. If all the symbols are dropped from the arrangement, then which of the following is the 6th letter to the right of the 15th letter from the right end?
    A) N
    B) J
    C) E
    D) 1
    E) None of these
    View Answer
    Option D
  2. How many consonants are there in the arrangement each of which is immediately followed by a letter?
    A) None
    B) One
    C) Two
    D) Three
    E) More than three
    View Answer
    Option C
  3. Complete the series: QEU V9J 1UF &JW ?
    A) @N©
    B) @FN
    C) FNB
    D) @WN
    E) None of these
    View Answer
    Option B

  4. How many such numbers are there each of which is immediately preceded by a symbol?
    A) None
    B) One
    C) Two
    D) Three
    E) More than three
    View Answer
    Option A

  5. Four of the five are alike in a certain way, which does not belong to the group?
    A) P52
    B) QE9
    C) MA#
    D) ©NI
    E) F&@
    View Answer
    Option C

Directions (6-10): Study the following arrangement and answer questions given:
648 483 295 333 261 312

  1. If the positions of first and second digits are changed in each number, which is the lowest number?
    A) 261
    B) 312
    C) 295
    D) 648
    E) 483
    View Answer
    Option B

    The one having lowest number if 2nd digit.
  2. If in each number 1 is added to first digit and then first and third are interchanged, then which is the largest number?
    A) 312
    B) 261
    C) 295
    D) 648
    E) None of these
    View Answer
    Option D

  3. In all numbers are arranged in ascending order, then what is the difference between the numbers which is third from the left and second from the right?
    A) 186
    B) 171
    C) 165
    D) 123
    E) None of these
    View Answer
    Option B

    Ascending Order: 261 295 312 333 483 648
    So 483 – 312 = 171
  4. If one is subtracted from all even digits in the numbers, then in how many numbers, a digit appear twice within a number?
    A) None
    B) One
    C) Two
    D) Three
    E) More than three
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    Option E

    Numbers become: 537 373 195 333 151 211
    So: 373, 333, 151, and 211.
  5. What is the resultant if first digit of second highest number is divided by the second digit of the second lowest number?
    A) 1.32
    B) 0.94
    C) 0.44
    D) 2.00
    E) 0.59
    View Answer
    Option C

    Second highest number = 483
    Second lowest number = 295
    So resultant = 4/9 = 0.44